Unistellar Telescope and Citizen Science with Phil Schneider


7:15 pm - 9:30 pm


Event Type

Map Unavailable

BAS member Phil Schneider will talk in THE OLD THEATRE on “Unistellar Telescope and Citizen Science” and will have his Unistellar telescope at this talk for members to look at. Then the Sky Diary for April with Peter V Hudson.
Please arrive by 7:15pm for a prompt start at 7:30pm.

Theatre Entrance Google Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/QRSGW8aX7rpz1Awh9

Theatre Entrance (What 3 Words) W3W :  https://what3words.com/comic.thank.picked

Parking in the main car park off De Parys Avenue : https://maps.app.goo.gl/o2bsfTdaNnDbSz2a7

Parking W3W :  https://what3words.com/faded.with.useful