BAS COVID-19 Coe of Practice

Bedford Astronomical Society Covid-19 Code of practice

Covid-19 is still with us so the return to the Society’s activities necessitates a number of conditions to be observed.


Bedford School

Bedford School has carried out their own risk assessment and full details can be found on their website:

No one should come onto the school estate if they have any of the symptoms of COVID.

Hand sanitizer is provided at various locations. Wearing of Facemasks on the campus is not mandatory. Visitors should use their own judgement.


The Observatory

The maximum number allowed in the Observatory is at any one time is 4 (four) plus the lead astronomer.

The Resource Room and Planetarium

The maximum number allowed in the Resource Room/Planetarium at any one time is 16 (sixteen).


BAS Meetings at Bedford School.

The majority of BAS meetings are hosted at Bedford School. No one should attend a BAS event if they have any of the symptoms of COVID.

In addition to the conditions set by Bedford School the BAS Committee have discussed and agreed the following:

Item 1: Committee Meetings

Committee Meetings will resume in the Resource room where up to 14 attendees are allowed.

For the time being non-committee members are not allowed to attend unless by prior arrangement.

Item 2: Speaker Meetings

Because of the limit on numbers (16) the Resource Room is not available for Speaker Meetings.

During term time The Old Theatre is used as a gym and is available for Speaker evenings. Entry will be via the crash doors a few yards down from the main entrance of the Theatre. When entering please use the hand sanitizer available at the door. Wearing a facemask is not mandatory but is recommended when entering meetings and optional during the meeting. Please use your discretion and consideration for other attendees. For the time being refreshments will not be available.

Item 3: Observing

Observing for Society members can resume. Equipment used for observing is cleaned before and after each observing session by Linton and Phil assisted by BAS committee members as and when required. Hand sanitizer will be available on site. Although the use of Facemasks is not mandatory on schools grounds BAS recommends the wearing of Facemasks during observing sessions. Great care must be taken to ensure that sanitizer does not come into contact with any optical surfaces.

Only 4 (four) people plus Phil or Linton are allowed in the observatory at one time.

Please maintain social distancing when using outside telescopes.

Please be patient.

 Item 4: Dark Sites

As and when a suitable location is identified the same BAS recommendations for observing will apply.

Item 5: Outreach

As and when an outreach opportunity arises the Society will take into account the conditions adopted by the specific host/location e.g. school, scouts, RSPB, and BAS recommended conditions.

Points worth clarifying before agreeing to an outreach event are:

  • Is the venue ventilated?
  • The age group of attendees.
  • The number of attendees.


The above will assist Society members to make an informed decision prior to attending BAS events.

On behalf of the Bedford Astronomical Society Committee.

Peter V Hudson.



Issue 1. 10 November 2021